Saturday, July 13, 2019

My First Post

Hi Everyone

This is my First Legal Blog that I am scripting now. Before I get into any topic straight away, I thought I could give a detail on what my Blog will have.

My basic idea of blogging is to Explore Ancient Techniques and Sciences on Food and Life Style and how they could be experimented and practiced in the present day.

Those are the days in the Ancient Times, where people lived a Healthy Life with No Technology. If they had to travel, they will take a long walk to reach from one place to another place. Some people used Horses and Carts to travel distance. These days we can travel with in Hours to any part of the World.

Those days if we had to get some information, there was very limited modes of communication. But these days we can almost get every information in our Palm in matter of seconds.

So, Now with the size of Technology available these days, are we not supposed to live a much Healthier and Better Life..?

Stress, Depression, Anxiety and many more are causing lot of new problems to our health. Forget about a Happy Life, We are not even able to live a Healthy Life. Anybody who crosses the age of thirty or forty gets his own list of medical problems. High or Low Pressures, Diabetes, Cholesterol and much more diseases have become very common with the aged peoples.

There is an old saying Health is Wealth. Now lot of people in the Modern Society have got good Wealth, but, still they cant buy Good Health with all their Wealth. Then what is the point in having all those wealth.

I can say for sure, if you ask anybody who is sick, or suffering with some illness, whether you want Good Health or I will give you all the Wealth you wanted and you suffer more, they will definitely ask for their sickness to go first.

So, how are we going to live a Healthy and Happy Life..?

There is one thing we often do all the time. In advanced level, if we don't get what we want, we will obviously get back to Basics and get them right first. Nobody can do Trigonometry if you don't know basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

That is what I am going to do in this Blog. I am going to explore the Basic Ways of Living, and understand how we could integrate them with our Modern Life. And again its not about just knowing them, you have to apply them to your daily life.

See you in my next article. Thanks for Reading.

Thanks to Mr. Deepak Kangaraju for the Inspiration.